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Bank of Images


  • © Yves Deris
  • Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine, home to the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience
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  • © Andrea Toledo (Teams Choquet and Thoumine)
  • Hippocampal neuronal in culture expressing Nlg1 (gold) and a postsynaptic marker (white)- dSTORM microscopy (top). The same image was treated with glare edges filter (bottom).
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  • © Piette Nathalie - Organ-izing the cells
  • DIV14 Rat Primary Hippocampal Neurons on micropatterned dots of adhesion proteins
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  • © Joana Ferreira, Groc team
  • Pictured is a reconstructed image of single-molecule super-resolution microscopy (dSTORM) of the subunit GluN2B of NMDA receptors, using the SR-Tesseler software.
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  • © Sarah Rahmati, Organ-izing the Cells and BIC
  • Confocal images of Cortical Spheroids in hydrogel-based microwells immunolabled with Nestin and Lamin
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  • © Ines Gonzalez-Calvo, Choquet team.
  • Purkinje neurons are the main neurons of the cerebellar cortex. They have a very complex and characteristic morphology, their intricate dendrite tree, that is flat, can be observed during whole-cell patch clamp recordings if we add to the internal solution a fluorescent molecule, such as Lucifer Yellow.
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  • © Gaël Barthet, Team Mulle
  • Mossy fibers (axons of granular cells of the hippocampus) marked for Syt7 (blue), Vamp2 (green) and Map2 (red).
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  • © Marie-Lise Jobin, Choquet team & BIC
  • Super-resolution (STED) image of cultured hippocampal neurons filled with a fluorescent marker and showing the diversity of spine shape along dendritic shafts.
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  • © Diogo Neto, Choquet and Perrais teams & BIC
  • Two sides of the same coin. The same protein visualized by electrophysiology and fluorescence microscopy in cell lines and hippocampal neurons, respectively
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  • © Vincent Paget-Blanc, Julie Angibaud, and Guillaume Dabee. Perrais Team, BIC and PIV-EXPE
  • This image represents VTA Dopamine axonal projections to the striatum acquired using STED microscopy. In this picture, we can distinguish multiple prototypical dopaminergic varicosities formed in the axonal fibers. The pseudocolor Look-Up Table "mpl-viridis" outlines the variation of signal intensity.
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  • © Caroline Bonnet, Choquet team, BIC
  • Kymograph obtained from transport of neosynthetized Td-Tomato-GluA1 containing vesicles in cultured hippocampal neurons.
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  • © Jimmy George and Thierry Amédée, Team Mulle
  • P2X4 receptors (green) are highly expressed in hippocampal mossy fibers in wild type mouse. DAPI staining (blue) highlights dentate gyrus
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