Research Projects
AMPAR mobility in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory
Project Leader(s): Yann Humeau

We established a fruitful collaboration with the group of Daniel Choquet (IINS, Bordeaux) to study the role of AMPAR lateral diffusion in behaviorally relevant synaptic plasticity. We first demonstrated that AMPAR mobility (AMPARM) in the dorsal hippocampus was crucial for long term potentiation (LTP) at Schaffer collaterals to CA1 neurons, and for contextual fear conditioning (Penn et al., 2017, Nature). We also combined in vivo and in vitro strategies to show that modulation of AMPA receptor surface diffusion restores hippocampal plasticity and memory in Huntington's disease models (Zhang et al., 2018, Nature communications). We now developed this project in two main directions: deciphering the role of AMPARM in spatial memory consolidation, and develop cell-specific tools to block synaptic plasticity in vivo in restricted and specific cell populations.

Team FRM